Gratitude, (business) gigs and giggles

Anj Handa


It’s Thanksgiving today, so a gratitude-filled blog seems timely, even though we don’t get to have a day off to eat pumpkin pie here in the UK.

For those of you that follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that October was a sad month for me – I had a few beareavements and this temporarily took its toll on my energy levels. I was introverted (by my standards), spending time with my inner circle and resting at home.

However, at the start of this month, I decided to pick myself up and get back out there. This last week I’ve been busy, mostly networking with other female business owners and professionals. I’ve had so much fun, so this blog is a little longer than usual.

Champagne and synchronicity

One of the events I attended was held at the impressive offices of my travel booking company, Traveleads. If it sounds a bit…

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